Confirming Our Connection

Just to confirm…

I’ve been musing this morning not about my own thoughts but the words of our 2022 Confirmation Class students. While you can read their full statements in this year’s annual publication of Faith Statements, I want to highlight some of their contributions.

“Working hard, treating people with honesty, being yourself and having a strong faith community will guide me towards my goal [of being a leader.]”
– Harrison Blauw

“…the church community brings us all together. Although everyone comes from different levels of faith, perspective and experience, our church joins us together to worship God. The church is a safe, comforting place that empowers us to connect and grow as people.”
– Maya Bylsma

“Church to me is the home of God and a place of worship and forgiveness. It’s a place you go to belong in the world if you are ever feeling lost… you are always welcome, you are always a part of it.”
– Callie Flanagan

“… although I only partly believe in God, I do fully believe in the way of Christianity and church because even if God isn’t real, the people who worship him are and the way they support each other, welcome each other, and make church a safe place is real.”
– Brady Rusk

“The Bible gives plenty of explanations as to what are the right things to do, and the right way to live. This tends to boil down to – trust in God and love your neighbor. As long as you focus on others and do what God asks of us, our own personal needs and happiness will be fulfilled.”
– Elijah Zimmerly

Considering these observations, I hope you are aware how these new members formed their impressions of community and church from us. At their Baptism, we promised on behalf of the whole church to be living examples of Christ’s Gospel as they grew in understanding and faith. It’s sobering to see they’ve been watching. Thankfully, God’s Spirit has been working through us and in them.

May we continue to worship, live, learn and love in ways worth imitating.

Inspired by their faith, I remain,

With Love,
Jonathan Krogh
Your Pastor