Easter Gratitude

Dear Easter People:

Yesterday’s Easter worship service was the first time in three years we were able to gather in the Sanctuary for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.

As I mentioned in my welcoming remarks, we all know the church is a people, not a building, but gathered in one room was deeply inspiring. As Brian Tennison mentioned in his confession, coming together as family is a huge dimension of celebration. We are still family when we are scattered, but coming together under one roof reconnects in ways that distanced communication cannot.

It is with great appreciation that I want to express my thanks for the dedication and hard work of so many to fill our Easter worship with meaning, purpose and beauty. Every Sunday involves a substantial team of staff and volunteers, but in my post-Easter musing, I wish to express thanks to:

  • Those who offered their prayers in preparation for our worship, including those who, because of distance or infirmity, were unable to attend but chose to hold us in their hearts,

  • Our children for their special musical offering,

  • Our choir and praise team for great music,

  • Brian Tennison for his liturgical assistance,

  • Our Noah’s Ark and Nursery workers who watched our little ones during worship,

  • Ushers who prepared the chancel and found seating for guests in a crowded sanctuary,

  • Those who generously donated flowers to festoon our gathering,

  • Deacons who tended to flower delivery after worship,

  • Chris and Olivia Hein for not getting egg on their face (you had to be there),

  • Tammy and Greg for cleaning and preparing our facility so we could gather without distraction,

  • Our office staff, Jen, Leanne and Rick, so flower orders, bulletins and many other details were in order,

  • Jason and Tyler for their preparation and dedication to inspire our hearts,

And to every person gathered with us to proclaim again, Christ is risen indeed!

With Love at Easter and all year long,
I remain,
Jonathan Krogh
Your very grateful Pastor