A Christmas Eve Sermon

A Christmas Eve Sermon

Greetings Sermon Digesters:

I am aware how many of my colleagues in ministry prepare a written version of their sermons available in the narthex for distribution to eagerly waiting parishioners who wish to see in print the words they heard only moments ago. Like stockings on Christmas Eve, copies are left with care in hope that a broader distribution of proclaimed word may fill many a non-attending heart.

Greetings, Sermon Digesters:

I am aware of how many of my colleagues in ministry prepare a written version of their sermons for distribution to eagerly waiting parishioners who wish to see in print the words they heard only moments before. Like stockings on Christmas Eve, copies are left with care in hope that a broader distribution of proclaimed word may fill many a non-attending heart.

As you may know, I have resisted distributing printed copies of my sermons, even though they are occasionally (read “rarely”) requested. Three reasons keep me from translating pulpiteering into pamphleteering.