First Presbyterian Church of La Grange

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Leaning, Learning, Loving

Dear Members and Friends:

This past Saturday our elders and deacons gathered for our annual time for learning and mutual encouragement. Back in 2012, the Presbyterian Church (USA) changed the term “Minister of Word and Sacrament” to “Teaching Elder” as the designation for ordained clergy in our denomination. It didn’t really catch on, and now both terms are considered appropriate. Whatever term you use to refer to me, my experience at our Saturday gathering was that of a learner, not an instructor. And while the content of what I learned was not really new, it was great to revisit and be reminded of the wealth of wisdom and grace FPCLG has among its officers.

The Session met in the morning, and I heard again of their deep love for our congregation and their appreciation for how we do church. They shared their desire for and experience of welcome; they expressed their hope that others would come and discover how meaningful our relationships are; they also reflected on how their church family bolsters their roles as parents, spouses and community members, making them, as one elder put it, “just better people.”

The schedule called for the deacons to arrive before their meeting to share lunch with the elders. As the deacons arrived, I stepped back and watched as they moved to lay out the serving table. Even before Jimmy John’s delivered the sandwiches, our deacons had space provided and a flow in mind for food, beverage, dessert, etc. They weren’t asked to help with lunch preparation; they’re just deacons and couldn’t help themselves.

As our officers ate, mingled and laughed together, I couldn’t help but marvel how their call to service and leadership was accurately discerned by our Nominating Committee and confirmed by congregational vote. The act of ordination does not make a call; it merely confirms the fitness God has been nurturing all along.

If you have any interest in the various programs and ministries of our congregation, chances are one of our elders can guide you to just the right connection. Next week, our newsletter will include the names of moderators for each committee of Session. Likewise, every member of our congregation is assigned a deacon. At the beginning of the year, our Board of Deacons review the congregational assignments; you will, in the next few weeks, receive an email, post card, text message or call from your 2024 deacon. Please loop back with an acknowledgement that the message has been received; your deacon will appreciate knowing they have the correct contact information.

I wish every member could have witnessed what I saw this past weekend—a gathering of gifted people who love their church and the people in it. What’s more, our deacons and elders are eager to invite people into a life of meaning and purpose in Christ. Come to think of it, that would make a great mission statement for a church.

Glad to serve alongside such great leaders, I remain,

With Love,
Jonathan Krogh
Your Pastor

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