First Presbyterian Church of La Grange

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Some Good News from 2020

Dear FPCLG Members and Friends:

On the last day of this month, we will hold our congregation’s Annual Meeting, and while the Annual Report is still being completed, I thought you may want a peek at some of the good news (for a change) from the year 2020.

I’ll start with a snapshot of our finances. Knowing many of our regular contributors were strapped in this difficult time, others contributed beyond their pledged commitments. While overall giving was down, particularly in contributions for things like Loose Plate Offerings, expenditures were down even more. For example, since we didn’t turn on the heat or A/C much, utilities were down nearly $10,000, and while we did have some unplanned expenses related to video production, these were more than offset by reductions in maintenance costs. As a result, we concluded 2020 with General Fund revenues over expenses of over $40,000.

Additionally, worship participation exploded as viewership of Video Worship far exceeded in-person attendance. We’re relying on our YouTube and website analytics, but even assuming only one pair of eyes on each view, average Sunday viewership was nearly 150/week. As many families viewed together, we can only guess how many people shared in these services. The weekly hard work of so many participants also garnered a substantial ($30K) one-time anonymous contribution towards 2021 in gratitude for these services. While we have no plan to continue regular video worship when we return in-person, we will be working to utilize this broadcast technology as a regular outreach for the mission and ministry of FPCLG. Were it not for the pandemic, we could have only imagined this form of connection.

Technology also enhanced communication for our committees and officers’ meetings. 2020 Session meeting attendance was nearly 100% as virtual connection permitted flexibility in participation. Committees and groups may continue to incorporate this form of contact, allowing those at a distance to continue connection. We also added our email address that connects directly to our prayer circle, sharing joys and concerns quickly.

We became mindful of concerns regarding airflow and general hygienic practices that when we gather again will allow us additional safety not only from COVID but other air and surface-borne pathogens. Masks and sanitizer (Psalm 24.4) will remain with us for some time going forward.

Most importantly, I believe we have learned about the depth of our congregation’s resilience. 2020 was a difficult year, and 2021 also holds many seen and unforeseen challenges, but by God’s grace working through you, I perceive many smiles behind those masked faces.

Delighted to share good news of who you are as the people of God, I remain,

With Love,
Jonathan Krogh
Your Pastor

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