First Presbyterian Church of La Grange

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A Survey of Survey Results

Greetings, Survey Seekers:

A few weeks ago, our Re-Emerging Church Task Force sent a link to a Survey Monkey site requesting your feedback regarding how well we are meeting our congregation’s mutual needs and under what circumstances and configurations we may return to in-person gatherings. I am delighted to let you know that more than 70 of you responded (total of 72), and I thought you may want to know what we learned. (The survey is now closed.)

Those who responded were predominantly (66%) long-term members of 15 years or more. A majority of respondents (72%) said they regularly attend the first service, and 48% said they attend the second service (we permitted multiple answers to the activity question). Respondents were equally divided as participants in our music ministry, children’s programming, youth programming and small groups.

66 of our 72 respondents commented regarding what they missed about being able to gather physically. Fellowship was the most common response, with several mentioning they missed congregational singing and catching up with friends. One quote in particular seemed to capture what many were feeling: “[I miss] interacting with other members of the congregation, the shared experience of worship, the immediacy of being able to react to what is being experienced and presented.”

When it came to appreciation of our video worship and distanced communication, the following “word cloud” provides a snapshot of reactions. (A word cloud is a visual where the most repeated words are more prominent.)

survey wordcloud

In response to our question about what was disappointing about video worship, a small number (2) said they are not watching them, and a similar number said they found congregations with better technology easier to watch. One acknowledged the video services with better technology were being offered by congregations who had been producing video for several years. For the most part, respondents' disappointment in video worship paralleled their disappointment in not gathering at all. We also received some sympathy for the technical limitations in syncing several voices for group singing.

Nearly 80% of those responding acknowledged that the video services were meeting their needs extremely well or very well, with four individuals finding them inadequate. 

No one reported they were finding our connections to be of a very high quality; about half of the respondents found our connection to be adequate. Many expressed their appreciation for the phone calls and notes they had received over the past weeks. Two individuals reported they had not had any connections with the church.

Three-fourths of those responding said they would consider attending worship with reservations and safe social distancing, but most of those offering comments indicated they were cautious; this included 20% of respondents who said they were not comfortable gathering for any reason at this time. Only two individuals said we should fully open, inviting people to wear masks and practice distancing.

The task force is now considering best practices for the days ahead. We are painfully aware that our best-laid plans could change in a moment’s notice. We so appreciate your prayers and input as we discern how to balance physical safety and congregational nourishment.

Thank you for your participation. Until next time, I remain,

With Love,
Jonathan Krogh
Your Pastor

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