Welcome to First Presbyterian


From the beginning, the Presbyterians believed their programming and property should be in service to their whole community, not just their own members. True to that founding spirit, First Presbyterian Church members strive to open their worship, fellowship and hearts to our immediate neighborhood, Chicagoland and the world. 

The people of First Presbyterian are dedicated to an ever-expanding circle that welcomes all, regardless of gender identity, social background, ethnicity, race or spiritual history. Our desire is to welcome all who seek the presence of Christ in faith, fellowship and care. 

  • Our Communion table is open to anyone, regardless of religious tradition or spiritual condition;

  • The sacrament of Baptism welcomes infants, children and adults celebrating God’s ongoing call through Christ’s invitation to know God’s love as God’s own children;

  • Our Confirmation program includes youth from both our own church and from the community exploring their decision to affirm their faith;

  • The celebration of marriage is open to all who seek to seal a covenant-promise before the community of faith as partners in life’s love and journey;

  • Our fellowship, music and educational programs are open to all who seek to enrich their spirituality in understanding, expression and community.

We also believe that spirituality without service is unfulfilled. Jesus taught that the love of God is made real when expressed as love of neighbor. When pressed on the point and asked about neighbors, Jesus said our neighbors are the least, the last, the lonely, the lost. So, for the love of God, we seek to touch others with dignity, fairness, welcome and compassion. Through the Mission and Outreach page of this website, you can see how those principles are expressed through programs; but if you join us in worship, you will discover the heart of the Gospel. 

Come visit us on Sundays at 10 am.

We’re having a great time being Christ’s church in a Presbyterian fashion right here in La Grange, and we may just be your next community of faith. 

If you have questions, email me at jkrogh@fpclg.org or stop by on Sundays—I should be there. 

Grace and Peace, 

Jonathan B. Krogh, Pastor